I'm a happy guy
I've got a happy life
Hear my happy whistle
From my happy lips
And all the world seems happy
When you're a happy man
And all the happy wanderers
Go happy hand in hand
(Whistle solo)
I'm a happy person
I've got a happy life
I laugh and the world laughs with me Heedless of sorrow of
And all the world seems happy
When you're a happy guy
And all the swiftly parting souls
Fly happy through the sky
Da da da da da da (etc...
And they say "what
about the sorrow?"
"What about the pain?"
I guess I know I'll be happy again
"And what about tomorrow?"
"What about the bomb?"
I guess I know that I'll...get along
The world's not black, the worlds not white
You're not wrong, and I'm not right
If you can think of a good reason why
I should not be a happy guy
Write it down on a blade of grass
And shove it up your happy....